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Poverty Maps From 1980 Look Astonishingly Different Compared to 2010

This short article looks at how poverty has changed since 1980. Poverty in some cities is segreated, wheras in other cities it is felt by all. However, on thing remains constant--poverty is spreading. 

Why the Poor Are More Religious

This is an interesting article that looks at why poor people tend to be more religious, and how religion actually may get in the way of people trying to rise out of poverty. For instance, the article reads that "the British Humanist Association warned that government promotion of religion as a positive social influence could mask larger social problems that contribute to poverty, such as a lack of access to education." This article may force religious leaders to rethink the church's role in society. 

This is a good article that overviews Pope Francis' outlook on economics. Pope Francis believes that “When money, instead of man, is at the center of the system, when money becomes an idol, men and women are reduced to simple instruments of a social and economic system.” Pope Francis further states that the Bible does not condemn the wealthy, but the "idolatry of wealth, the idolatry that makes people indifferent to the call of the poor.” Pope Francis' words truly make any follower of Christ rethink how we should live in the modern economic world. 

Pope Francis' Catechism for Economics

Pope Francis again looks at the economic system, and how the Christian principle of "love thy neighbor" applies. Pope Francis hits the nail on the head when he says that the Bible teaches "concrete love" which are things such as "feed the hungry, visit the sick." However, too often we get caught up in "soap opera love" which is "illusionary." This article is very good in highlighting Pope Francis' teachings on economics. 

Soap Opera Economics 

To read this article, then follow this link: 


Bridging Christian Ethics and Economic Life: How Theological Education Falls Short


This article addresses a study performed by D. Min. students at Columbia Seminary School.  The study’s main question was “How well does the Church meet the needs of its members who are struggling with ethical challenges in today’s workplace?” The findings of the study revolve around laypeople believing pastors don't have relevant knowledge for economics/business ethics, nor have relevant advice to give. 

This article looks at the essay that German Cardinal Reinhard Marx writes pertaining to the economy. Once again, and along side of Pope Francis' prophetic leadership, Cardinal Marx calls out capitalism for focusing on the means of production rather than people. This article is great, and calls for people not to dismiss market economies, but rather be reminded that market economies are to serve the common good. 

Cardinal Marx: Base Economics on People Not Capital

Protest 101: What Happens When A Seminary is Occupied?

This is a very interesting article from the President of Union Theological Seminary. In this article, President Serene Jones shares her thoughts, worries, and prayers for students participating in the Occupy Wall Street movement, and how her seminary worked to be images of "Jesus walking through the crowds, among police and protesters alike, offering peace."


Articles on Economics 

To read this article, then follow this link:

The Day I Bought Steak with Food Stamps 


This article was one of my favorite reads because it gets into the mind of someone struggling to afford food. But, it also looks at reasons why people on food stamps buy things, even sometimes items that the general public deems unnecessary or lavish. This article forces you to rethink how you view impoverished people.



Let's Try Biblical Economics 

This article is enjoyable to read as the author, a Rabbi, skeptically looks at the modern economic realities and incorporates how applying biblical economics can create peace in a broken world. 

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