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The poverty forum is a Christian website that has three main goals: 1-To raise poverty as a critical domestic policy issue, increasing both public and political will in the fight against poverty. 2- To create a mechanism for constructive dialogue about poverty issues among progressive, moderate, and conservative Evangelicals and theologically orthodox Christians. 3-To identify and make policy recommendations about effective poverty alleviation measures that share broad support among the faith community. This website also has sources on things such as asset building, the community factors of reuducing poverty, and education. Overall, this website is very heavy with the political activism side of fighting poverty. As such, to learn more follow this link. 

The Poverty Forum 

This website is all about the economic outlook and projections of Indiana, with a focus on Marion County. EmployIndy connects Marion County employers and job seekers through a results-orientated training and employment system that identifies current needs and future trends of the local economy. This website has information for employers and employees, and people interested in Indiana economics. To find this website, then follow this link. 

Employ Indy

This website is a simple place to go and look for your counties, regions, or metros economic projections through downloadable maps. To see these projections, visit this link. 

Indiana Labor Force Projection Maps

National Center for Children in Poverty

The National Center for Children in Poverty is one of the nation’s leading public policy centers dedicated to promoting the economic security, health, and well-being of America’s low-income families and children. NCCP uses research to inform policy and practice with the goal of ensuring positive outcomes for the next generation. The sub-links to the main article on the right provide formative information regarding poverty. They provide charts, graphs, and data, as well as potential policy recomendations. The sub-links are as follows:

  • Demografics of Low Income Children

  • Efforts to Promote Children’s Economic Security Must Address Needs of Hard-Working Immigrant Families

  • When Work Doesn't Pay 

  • Struggling Despite Hard Work 

  • Taxing the Poor 

  • Budgeting For Basic Needs 

I think these are all very interesting and informative articles to read over poverty. I hope you have the oppertunity to read them!

Websites on Economics 

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